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Switchblade: The Sweet Butt Chronicles Volume 6

Writer: authorquinnryderauthorquinnryder

If you follow the group then you know that I have two queen Sweet Butts, Gretchen and Rebecca, well, I'd like to tell you a little story about how Gretchen got her crown . . .

Every year, the club fucking rides down South and goes camping near Lake Texoma in Texas. It's a fucking blast. We leave the Sweet Butts at home, and sow our Armada oats in a good Texas woman. Only, I never expected to meet a hot North Carolina woman in the heat of a Texas summer . . .

"Fuck, Switchblade. My nuts are fucking frying in this heat," Riptide whined, as we started unpacking our gear. The actual ride to Texas was always exhilarating, but it's always fucking hotter than the Devil's Nut Sack when we arrive.

"Pipe down, and get the tents set up. No shit whining over the heat when there's a fucking beautiful lake you can dip your dick into after we're done."

Riptide walked off grumbling, but since I was VP, I made him do all the fucking grunt work. No use lifting a finger when I had the patch to back up my title.

"Looking busy there, Switch," Scythe joked, walking up behind me with his arms full of wood.

"Someone has to manage the camp. Plus, I'm on the prowl. All I see are dicks or chicks that already have dicks with them. That's no fun, usually this lake is crawling with pussy." I noticed the lost look in Scythe's eyes. He'd been that way since his dad's health went south. I didn't mean to take over as lead of the club, but since he checked out, someone had to get these fucktards in line.

"You look like you need some pussy, too, Scythe."

Scythe let out a frustrated breath. "Pussy doesn't cure everything, Switch. It can't bring Midas back. It can't bring my mother back. It won't fix my dad. Pussy is nothing but another responsibility I don't fucking need." He stalked off. At one time, Scythe was as ruthless as me, but now he was soft. I wish he would just fucking man up and be the President this club needs. I like being in charge, but I sure as fuck don't want the responsibilities or the target that comes with being the president of the Devil's Armada.

The club was getting bitchy. Sometimes it felt like I was in the midst of a bunch of crying girls with how much they all needed to be babied. If it weren't for Ice, I swear I'd be drowning in estrogen.

Jagger, one of our newest prospects, walked up behind me. He had a handful of sticks. "I'm embracing my inner caveman," he remarked when I gave him a concerned glance. He threw his hands up and waved me off. "Don't worry, fire is my specialty."

I watched him walk away. I pulled up my sleeves, and was ready to start pitching in, when I saw the cute, little, yellow VW bug pull up in the camping spot across the way. The second it parked, I knew my next conquest was somewhere inside that vehicle.

Five hot women popped out, each wearing matching yellow t-shirts and blue jeans. From here, I couldn't read what the shirts said, but if I had to guess, they were on some kind of retreat or something.

"Don't even think about it, Switchy. You need to pitch in and help us set-up camp before you go chasing pussy," Ice said, shoving a tent into my hands. "Set this shit up."

"If you weren't my best friend, I'd be all over your ass for talking to me like that, Ice."

"Yeah, yeah, perks of being best friends with the VP, I guess. Now get your lazy ass to work and build your tent, otherwise I'm gonna make you room with Jagger, and I hear that guy likes to cuddle."

The thought of cuddling with Jagger, makes me shiver. Now he was standing over by the fire pit trying to rub two sticks together to make a fire. To my astonishment he actually got a small one to start burning. He laughed manically, holding his hands up to the sky. "From the Fire Gods we birth, FIRE!!!" he yelled, before taking some of the ash and using it to streak his face with black camouflage.

His manic outburst only fueled my need to make this tent even more. There was no way I was snuggling up with his kind of crazy. Within a few minutes I had the tent constructed and set up for sleeping. It was big enough for at least two people to sleep in, and I couldn't wait to go across the road to the other campground and find the girl who would be sleeping beside me all night.

The second I come out of my tent, I was already starting the trek over to their campsite, but Scythe sidelined me and got in my way. "We got club business to get to, Switch. Pussy is gonna to have to wait."

Fuck, I forgot we had shit to handle before we actually get to play. Scythe set up a meeting with a few local bikers in attempt to start a new charter in Texas. Word is, shit is getting squirrely beyond the borders and The Diablo Saints made some new friends that could prove to be difficult to deal with. Our numbers are low, and we are in need of some new recruits. Guerilla seems to think that the Saints are a bunch of pussies, and we don't need to worry about them, but my Switchy senses tell me otherwise. The Saints, Diego especially, are vindictive and their drug muling is getting bigger everyday. I tried to talk Scythe into starting our own drug trafficking ring, but he said no, which is why Guerrilla and I started the business on the side without his knowledge. As far as Scythe knows, our money is still coming from the transportation of stolen goods.

It took a few hours, but we successfully convinced the group of unaffiliated bikers to join our ranks and start a charter in Texas. We were just an hour drive away, but it was dark by the time we got back to the lake. I was beyond tired, but the second I saw the five girls dancing around the fire to Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard, I suddenly had a second wind.

A couple of my brothers tried to stop me, but I'd been kept away from women all day, and now I was on a mission to satisfy the ache in my cock by finding it a nice warm pussy to dip into.

I approached the group of women cautiously. You never know when you're going to walk into a den of wolves, or a flock of scared pigeons. The girls were now huddled around the fire with hot dogs on sticks. I could see their shirts perfectly now, it said the Smith Family. 

"Are you sure this will cook the hot dogs, Clare?"

"Yes, Sally, when the hot dogs get black, they're done." Clare rolled her eyes.

"What do you think Gretchen?" another girl with pretty brown hair asked. She showed her obviously not cooked hot dog to the girl sitting next to her and my heart dropped. The girl was absolutely gorgeous with green eyes that shined like emeralds, and long dirty blonde hair that went way past her trimmed waistline. Out of all the girls in the group, Gretchen was definitely my type, but was I hers?

"Excuse me, Ladies," I said, interrupting their hot dog banter, "I'm Switchblade, I was wondering if you would like to come over to our campsite for a cookout? We have a big bonfire going and plenty of food."

The girl's heads all shot up staring at me with lopsided smiles. "Oh, I don't think so, our hot dogs will be just fine. But thank you for asking," said one of the girls who had not spoken yet. She held up her hot dog that looked limp, sad, and pathetic. The stupid thing fell off her stick and straight into the fire.

"We got burgers, baked beans, and home fries. Cold beer, too, if that's your thing."

The girls looked down at their charred wieners and grimaced. "You know, home fries and burgers sound really good right now, Stephanie. Just because you're scared of a little man sausage doesn't mean we all are," Gretchen exclaimed. She sent me a flirty wink which had the corners of my cheeks lifting into a knowing smile.

"April, what do you think?" Stephanie asked, staring at the remains of her sad excuse for hot dog charred at the bottom of their fire pit.

April, the only girl whose name I hadn't learned yet, glanced behind me and noticed my brothers staring over at us.

"Well, I think that we should have something edible to eat tonight, and since our hot dogs got ruined, and I have a hankering for some sausage tonight, I'm all for going where the meat is." April, threw me a wink but I could tell she had her eyes set on someone behind me, and from the position her head is in, I think her man of choice must be Scythe. I hope she succeeds, because that guy really needs to get laid.

"I agree," Gretchen squealed, her eyes roving over my biceps. She jumped to her feet and looped her arm through mine. "Before any of you bitches get any ideas, the tall, beefy one is mine."

"Darlin' no worries. There's enough of the Switchblade to go around." I ushered the girls toward our campsite where my brothers sat around the fire.

"Switchblade, you know the rules. No girls on the first night," Scythe said.

"But we have nothing to eat," April grinned. "Switchblade said you have the good meat over here."

Scythe was annoyed, I could tell, but the second April saddled up to him and started showing him a little bit of attention, his reluctance waned. "Fine, I'm not gonna leave you girls hungry. Guerrilla, fire up some more burgers, Prospect, go find some more logs for the girls to sit on."

"Yes, sir!" Jagger yelled.

"Address your Prez accordingly, Prospect," I growled. Fucking prospects need to know their place. He may be new but he still needed to know how shit goes around here.

"Right. Yes, Prez!" he saluted Scythe and ran off to find some more logs, dragging our other new prospect Rex with him.

I gave Scythe a look of disapproval. He should've been the one to jump down the Prospect's throat, but lately he was too distracted to care.

Once the prospects came back with more logs for the girls, we got straight to eating. The girls were tense at first, especially Stephanie. She seemed to be anti-men, but the second Ice started flirting with her a little, her walls came down and she started to have fun with the rest of us.

"So, what does this patch mean?" Gretchen asked, tickling her fingers across my cut.

"It means I'm Vice President of the club."

"So, you're in charge of all these big, mean bikers?"

I chuckled, and threw a finger to Scythe, who is currently sucking face with April. Nice.

"No, he is, but I've been stepping into his shoes for a while now."

"Do you ever take your jacket off?" she asked, but the innocence in her eyes was fake as hell, I knew exactly where she was leading this conversation.

"It's called a cut, and I always respect my cut."

"So, it stays on all the time?" Her eyelashes fluttered as she batted them at me.

"No, Hun. It comes off, just like the rest of my clothes when I fuck a beautiful woman. You interested?"

She quickly glanced over at her friends who were all too busy with my brothers to notice us. "Yes," she whispered.

I wasn't going to let her change her mind. I quickly stood up, held out my hand, and the second she was on her feet I had her thrown over my shoulder, ready to march off into the woods with her.

"Don't fucking wait up," I grumbled to no one in particular, carrying Gretchen toward the lake caveman style.

"Where are we going?"

"The lake. Ever gone skinny dipping?"


"Good, there's a first time for everything."

The second we got to the water's edge, I stripped out of my clothes and waited for her to follow my lead. We were in a secluded area that I found on one of my last trips here. She looked reluctant to shed her clothes, so I took a commanding step forward and helped her.

"Don't be nervous, Gretchen. I'm going to make this fun for you." She stared at my cock, licking her lips like she was fucking starving.

"Can I taste it?" she asked, her eyes never looking up.

"Fuck yeah, you can, Sweetheart, do whatever you want to me."

She dropped to her knees and greedily took my cock in between her beautiful lips. The girl could suck a mean dick. Everything about her cock-sucking abilities was fucking phenomenal. She fisted my shaft, gripping it with the right amount of pressure to match her suction. Her mouth was hot as her tongue swabbed my cock like a fucking meat popsicle. I loved everything about what she was doing, enjoying her mouth more than I enjoyed girls in the past.

"Damn, Girl, you're fucking good at this."

Gretchen gave me a knowing smile, picking up her pace. "I have had a lot of practice, but shh, don't tell my sisters."

"They are all your sisters?"

She nodded. "Yeah, our dad could only produce girls. Clare is the oldest, followed by April, Stephanie, Sally, then me. I'm the baby. i can be your baby, too, if you want me."

Her little hint at settling down made me want to hustle the sex along. "Gretchen, as much as I enjoy a good cock swabbing, I'm more interested in getting inside that pussy."

She glanced over at the water and grimaced. "I can't swim."

"Well, lucky for you I can. Now take off your clothes, so I can carry you into that water and fuck the shit out of you."

She reluctantly stood up, toying with her clothing until she was naked in front of me. As she undressed I sheathed myself with a condom. She stared at the water with fear in her eyes, but there was nothing out there to be scared of, not when she had my big arms to keep her safe. I picked up her naked body and carried her out into the lake water. The water was freezing, but it wouldn't take long to get warm. A good fuck, always warms up the bones. The second we were shoulder deep, I angled her over my cock and let her sink down.

"Damn, you're tight as hell for someone who's had a lot of practice."

"I've only been with one guy before, but I've had a lot of oral sex."

She groaned as my mouth fit over her breast and toyed with her nipple between my teeth. "Water helps movement, Baby. Don't be scared, I'm not going to let you go." I pulled her wet hair tugging her head back so I could kiss her neck. She groaned. fingers digging into my shoulders and my thrusts got more aggressive.

"Fuck, you're really good at this," she said, stealing my words as if they were her own.

"Oh, Gretchen, you've seen nothing yet." I pulled out of her, then turned her around so I could penetrate her from behind. With one of my free hands I palmed her tit, with my other I held her in place, making sure she didn't go below the water. I wrapped my arm around her chest, my thrusts getting more aggressive, my fingers digging into the flesh of her breast. I could feel her cumming before she screamed. Her pussy clenched my cock as she exploded around it. "That's it, Gretchen, just like that. Cum for me."

Her screamed echoed and bounced around us, I'm sure the guys could probably here her, but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting my own finish. My fingers clenched her hips, penetrating her deep and fast, it wasn't long before I could feel my cock building my seed, one hard thrust was all it took before I emptied my baby makers inside the condom, probably breaking her skin as I grunted through the orgasm that rocked me to the core.

I panted and held her tight, composing myself before I finally pulled away. Gretchen turned and gave me a naughty look. She wanted more, I could tell. Her hand went under the water and I felt her grip my cock so hard it actually hurt.

"Whoa, baby, loosen up that grip would ya?"

The grip she had on my cock got even more aggressive, almost like there were tiny teeth penetrating the latex.

"Um, Switchblade," she said, lifting up both her hands. "THAT'S NOT ME!"

I couldn't see under the water, but I sure as hell could feel something biting on my cock.

"What the fuck?!?" I immediately broke into a sprint, running through the water like an angry elephant. The second I broke land, I saw my cock biting nemesis. A FUCKING Striped Bass! A big one at that. "It's eating my cock! Help me! Get it off!"

Gretchen came charging through the water. She didn't stop until she was standing right next to me. The stupid fish was deep throating the shit out of me, and I knew it was seconds away from biting off my favorite part on my body.

"Hold still, I used to go noodling when I was younger." She grabbed the fish by the jaws and it instantly released me, leaving my poor piece damaged and fishily violated. I jumped up and down, tears threatening to stream down my face as realization sunk in.

Gretchen saved my cock's life.

She reached into the fish's mouth and pulled out something . . . my condom.

"I think you lost this," she said with a laugh. "I think your semen was like a smoothie for him." She tossed the fish into the lake, and the stupid gilled bitch went swimming away, taking a little bit of my pride with him.

I rushed her, kissing her hard and passionately. "You saved my cock's life!"

Gretchen winked at me. "And now you owe me a cock debt, Switchblade. You have to give me whatever I want."

"What do you want?" I asked hesitantly, knowing my cock was out of commission for a while.

"You, whenever I go to California for a visit."

"Oh, you can definitely have me whenever you want, Gretchen. You're officially my favorite Sweet Butt now, but not tonight. I just got cock guzzled by a hungry bass, Cock Switch is officially out of commission for a while."

She nodded, but grinned devilishly. "Your cock may be out of commission, but my Pussy is always open for business."

My left eyebrow lifted in question.

"Get on your knees and start lickin, Switchy. Momma's pussy has some lake water that needs to be swabbed away."

I didn't want to deny her, not after she just saved my cock's life. I dropped to my knees, pulling her leg over my shoulder and dove in.

And that my lovely, Sweet Butts, is how Gretchen became one of my queens.

Until Next time, my Lovelies.

Always in your dreams,




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