Every God needs a little virgin sacrifice every once in a while.
Most of you probably don't see me as a sentimental guy, but I'll have you know, there are a few things that I do remember from my past that I keep tucked away in the treasure hold. I still remember my first kiss. That moment when I cornered Shayne behind the high school gym, boxing her in between my semi-muscular arms, palms flat against that concrete wall. I remember how my hand felt sliding across the swell of her soft cheek while her eyes fluttered closed, waiting for my lips to touch down on hers for the first time. That moment still creates turmoil in my stomach. Girls call them butterflies. Mine are more like angry motorcycles vibrating through my chest when I think back to that day. Those motorcycles get even angrier when my memories ride back to our first time together.
Virginity is one of those things you can't take lightly. I've never been the kind of man that took pride in stealing that moment away from a woman. The few times I have, I felt like a massive dick afterward because they wasted their first time on a guy who isn't known for sticking around or being cautious with women's feelings.
I lay, slay, then throw away.That's always been my motto.
So, when a car full of hot co-eds pulled up alongside my bike and started flirting with me one evening; I knew it was going to be a good night. Co-eds meant young pussy primed and ready for penetration. What I didn't expect was their offering at that first traffic light.
"Hey there, Handsome," a blonde woman swoons from the backseat. "Is that a motorcycle between your legs or are you just happy to see me?"
I revved my engine, causing the car to erupt in giggles.
"What can I help you ladies with?" I asked, eyeing the traffic light as I waited for it to turn green.
"Well, my friend here has a little problem we're hoping you can help her with," the blonde stated, pushing a sweet little redhead toward the window. My heart sped up a little when I noticed her flaming red hair. Redheads were my weakness, and the way the girl's cheeks tinged an embarrassed pink, only fueled my desire to claim her.
"What's your problem little one?"
The girl looked at her friends for help, and when the light turned green I had to pull forward, luckily, they followed, and we hit the next red light further down the road.
"She's our newest initiate to our Sorority house, but we have a rule. No virgins allowed, and Nikki here is a shy little virgin just waiting for a sexy man beast to devour her."
They lost me at virgin. That was one thing I was firm no for me.
"Sorry, Sweetheart, but I don't do virgins."
The girls frowned in unison. "Please, her fantasy is to be claimed by a sexy, big, bad biker. You look big, bad, and damn sexy," her blonde friend cooed. "You're perfect."
I sighed when tears started forming in Nikki's eyes. "See, guys, I told you that no one would ever take my virginity." I drank in her appearance, wondering how any man, including me, could ever turn down someone so pretty.
The red light turned and we started down the road again, but this time they kept shouting out the window. "Every God needs a little virgin sacrifice!" they screamed.
These women knew how to get to me. Any woman that called me a God deserved a little bed sheet rendezvous, virgin or not. When we pulled up to the final stop light on the block, I relented.
"Fine, but just keep in mind, I don't do callbacks. I'm gonna take your virginity and run."
Nikki looked at her friends, who were already pushing her out the door. "Go!" they goaded.
Nikki reluctantly exited the car and stood next to my bike. "Are you sure about this, Nikki? Do you really want your first time to be with biker?"
She nodded her head, refusing to say anything. Nerves ransacked her body. Her hands quivered on my back, as she mounted my bike behind me and took caution in where to put her hands. The second I felt her hesitating I knew I was going to have to take control.
"You can put your hands here," I instructed, wrapping them around my waist. "Or here," I said as I placed one of her hands on my crotch.
Her friends all began giggling when Nikki's eyes went wide.
The light turned green and I grunted out, "There's no turning back now, Nikki." Before I revved my engine and turned down the street toward the compound.
Normally, I'd take her back to my room and have my way with her, but I knew that Nikki's first time needed to be somewhat special. She deserved more than being fucked on my bed of revolving Sweet Butts. Instead, I drove her out of town, taking her to the club's cabin nestled deep in the woods. Dutch secured this place after he wedded down Heather. It was now the official honeymoon cabin for all Ol' Ladies. Or, in Nikki's case, girl's that needed to pop a little hymen.
I parked my bike outside the cabin doors, and she took in the view. We were surrounded by hundreds of oak and pine trees. If you stood in place long enough, the fresh pine scent would play with your nostrils and invigorate your body.
"You aren't going to kill me, are you?" she asked nervously, realizing how secluded we really were.
"No, Nikki, I'm just going to fuck the shit out of your pussy." She gasped when I lifted her off her feet and carried her over the threshold of the cabin. It was dusty and hadn't been cleaned in a while. There were probably spiders lurking in every corner, and the comforter had a thin veil of dust on it, but the second I dropped her ass on the bed, all that dust flew up, giving us room to move up the bed.
"How do want this? I'm not a gentle man, Nikki. I know your first time will be a bit painful, and if pain isn't something you want, then you might want to rethink sacrificing yourself to a monster like me."
She stared at my cut, eyeing the fading leather and the patch on it that read VP. Below it was my Ace of Spades patch, showing my loyalty to the Armada and the blood that coated my hands in silence. Her eyes widened when she noticed my eyes undressing her, a predator ready to sink his teeth in his prey.
"I came here as a virgin sacrifice, and that sacrifice must end in blood." She gave me a flirtatious wink and I immediately took notice of her innuendo. This chick wanted to mark the bed sheets, and I wasn't about to deny her request. I'd come this far, who am I to turn the frightened lamb away?
"Nothing too dangerous, okay? Like, butt plugs and vibrators I can deal with, but no like bondage or choking stuff."
I had to suppress my laughter, but I couldn't hide my smile. "Honey, if you think I carry around butt plugs and vibrators in this cut, you're going to be highly disappointed." I pulled out a condom. "But never fear, I put the "Dom" in condom." I pulled out the metal foil and held it up so she could see that I was always protected.
"How many women have you been with?" She eyed me nervously as I slinked off my cut and gently placed it on a nearby chair, then stepped out of my pants and threw off my black t-shirt.
"If I told you that, you'd run away screaming."
"Fair enough," she squeaked when she noticed my underwear was now on the floor and I was completely naked in front of her.
"If you were expecting me to take my time and butter you up before diving in, you're going to be disappointed," I told her. "I like shit fast and hard. So, if you're expecting something special, I'm probably not the right guy for you."
"If I wanted special, I wouldn't be here. So, would you please stop talking and just break my fucking chastity belt?"
Virgins ... it's always the virgins that like to get lippy.
So, before I go any further, let me tell my readers my virgin rules.
#1: I do not, do virgin foreplay. Any type of sexual contact that doesn't immediately involve my dick could end up in me having to invest in Cling-a-Way spray. Nope. Won't do it. It's easier to forego the Oral on her and skip straight to dicking. (Now, this may make me sound like a dick, but if the chick wants me to take that V-Card, she's gotta do something for me first. So, oral for me is a must, it's just the oral on her that I skip. Yeah, Go ahead, get those pitch forks ready, ladies, but just remember how many times I've been in this position before. I know what I'm doing.)
#2: I will not take it slow and steady. Slow and steady involves taking your time and connecting on a more personal level. Since, I'm avoiding a clinger, I want to get it done and over with fast.
#3: NO OVERNIGHTS. Once I'm done she's gone. Anything past a few hours could result in emotional feelings. Feeling used and abused is an unfortunate circumstance when it comes to women who want me to take their virginity.
#4: Keep it simple stupid. I may switch up the positions to give me a better angle, but playing around too much in the bedroom could result in her wanting to come back for more, and as I said before we are avoiding clingers.
#5: This may be the most important rule of all . . . Never, and I mean never make eye contact while fucking. Suck her tits, bite her neck, hell, I'll even turn her around and do her from behind, but the moment you make eye contact with a virgin all hell breaks loose. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and if she's crying or emotional it's just going to effect my groove. So, yeah, once my dick enters her, my eyes are shut or she's facing the opposite direction.
"Get on your knees," I ordered.
She obediently got on her knees staring up at me with those round, innocent eyes. I threaded my hand in her hair and smiled. "Let's de-virginize that pretty little mouth first." Her eyes widened as I slid my dick between her lips. Her hot mouth pulled me in, until her tongue laid flat against my cock. She obviously had no idea what she was doing so I took over, fisting her hair between my burly fingers and guiding her up and down my cock. She gagged when I took her a little too far, and I eased up on the force until both of us had a good stride going.
"Fuck yeah, your mouth is fucking beautiful," I moaned as she started to add a little suction around me. "You're gonna make some guy real proud in the future, Nikki. You got the perfect mouth for sucking."
She smiled around my dick, obviously loving my little compliments. I could feel myself getting close, and as much as I wanted to shoot my wad deep in the chasm of her throat, I restrained, knowing damn well the little lamb couldn't take a shot of Switchy's baby makers and live to tell the tale.
I pulled out quickly and brought her up off her knees. I took my hand down the side of her cheek and allowed her beautiful blue eyes to close. She was enjoying my touch, which was nice, but definitely not going to happen much longer. I am a asshole, but I'm gonna at least give her one fuckable kiss before I destroy her pussy with my cock and my five steps of taking someone's virginity get called into action.
I bent in and took her mouth, allowing my tongue to swipe across her tender lips and seek out what was behind them. My tongue casually greeted hers, rolling around inside her mouth until she was moaning against my lips. My hand traveled down her sides, pulling her tiny tank top off and revealing her bare chest underneath. Her nipples were budded with need, and I gently took my hand across them, rubbing them between my thumb and forefinger until they disappeared down her body and found the button to her skirt. In two snaps I had that skirt off and running down her thighs. She had on cute little panties with strawberries on them, and they were already soaked with innocent pleasure. I pushed her down on the bed, and moved the underwear up over her legs until she was nothing but bush and thighs.
I could feel her eyes on me as my hands moved down her legs, pushing them apart until she was wide open and ready for me. I slid the condom over my cock, and pulled her violently toward me.
She looked disappointed, but I wasn't about to break my rules just because she knew how to jut out a bottom lip. When I couldn't shake her eyes begging me for more, I turned her over, pressing her face down into the bed as I eased my cock into her from behind.
Much better. No eyes. Just moans, and pussy.
She screamed out as my cock entered her. I didn't go slow and I didn't take it easy. No I fucking jack hammered my way in, slicing through anything that got in my way as I claimed her pussy as mine. I knew I had to be hurting her, but I also knew that eventually it would feel good, it would only take a few more pushes before she reached that pleasure zone.
Her fingers curled into the comforter, her body arching as her pussy loosened and begged for more. I brought my hand down on her ass, smacking the tiny little heart she had inked on her left ass cheek. It was obvious she wasn't innocent, and I wondered if the ink slinger took as much joy in looking at her round ass cheeks as I did.
"It hurts," she moaned.
"I told you it would."
My thrusts got quicker the closer I got to cumming. After a few minutes her painful squeals turned into satisfied moans. Her pussy clenched my cock, squeezing and milking it with every stroke. Her pussy was thirsty and my cock was ready to shoot her full of my seed.
Her back arched and her head shot up as I smacked her again, this time more forceful and possessive.
Her head whipped back toward me and those gorgeous blue eyes met mine for a brief agonizing second. I couldn't look away, there was strange possession in her eyes I wasn't used to.
Goddamn it, there goes rule number five.
A wicked smile crossed her face as she held my lust-filled gaze. I watched those sexy lips curl with defiance, and then seductively open as she slapped me in the face with her next words.

"I feel like I should let you in on a little secret, Switchy." How she knew my name I had no idea. because I didn't give it to her. "I'm not really a virgin," she whispered.
She pulled away from me and sat up on the bed, grabbing me by the shoulders. Her strength was surprising for someone so small, and before I knew what was happening, Nikki had me flipped over and onto the bed. She reached into her purse and pulled out a strap-on. "Let me tell you another secret, Switchy. The virgin sacrifice tonight was never supposed to be me, it was always supposed to be you. Now get on your hands and knees and assume the position. Mama, has a cherry to pop! "
Fucking Ice, I'm gonna kill the bastard.
Did you really think I'd let you watch what happened next? Nope. I'm gonna leave the rest up to your naughty little imaginations.
Until next week my Darlings,
Always in your Dreams,