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Switchblade's Sweet Butt Chronicles Volume 8

Writer: authorquinnryderauthorquinnryder

I was sick last week with a nasty flu type thing that left me unable to infiltrate Quinn's brain. She also had some crazy deadlines she needed to do and didn't have much space for my filthy mind. I'm feeling much better now and since I was sick, it got me thinking about the one time I fucked the entire way to the hospital. You read that right! Fucked the entire way. Thirty minutes of sirens, pussy pounding, and having a little fun in the back of a moving ambulance.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, here's the real story...

So, I was minding my business, driving through the Canadian country side with a few of my brothers. We were on a run, distributing some stolen goods across the border. We had just got done delivering the merchandise when all hell broke loose.

A FUCKING MOOSE jumped out into the road and I had to

swerve my goddamn bike out of the way before hitting the bastard. Fucking Bullwinkle got a chuckle out of watching me slide across the asphalt and straight into a fucking ditch on the other side.

Riptide, Guerrilla, Obie, and Scythe all stopped their bikes to help me. I already knew I was bruised up. My side was in excruciating pain, and my arm was bent at an angle that wasn't normal.

"Fuck, Switch, you okay?" Scythe asked after he skidded down the side of the ditch.

"Does it look like I'm okay? My arm is fucking bending the opposite way of what it should, and check this out." I held my arm up so they could inspect it. A part of my skin was torn away and a nice fresh bone stuck out of it. "That's fucking bone, Dude." It was then the shock wore off and my pain really took hold of me. "Fuck, it hurts." I refused to let the tears leave my eyes, but the pain was so bad I started to black out.

"Call an ambulance, Riptide," Scythe instructed, dropping down by my side. "Try not to move your arm."

I glared at him. "Yeah, because moving my arm seems like the best idea ever right now."

"Don't be a dick," Scythe scolded.

"Don't be an asshole," I griped back.

"Ambulance is on route," Riptide shouted, closing his cell phone.

"Good, now you and Guerrilla get the fuck out of here. Between not having passports, and your fucking records, the last shit we need is for you two to be detained by a bunch of Mounties."

Riptide and Guerrilla hopped on their bikes and sped off. Scythe and Obie stayed by my side, helping me back up to the road. Every step I took felt like someone was blowing up my insides with a grenade, but after a few minutes, I was on the road and laying down again, blocking out my pain. We could hear the sirens somewhere beyond the trees, it wouldn't be long before they got to us.

We chose this road for a reason. It was secret route between the States and Canada that isn't routinely checked by the law. It's the only route we had to transport goods, and it just so happens to be in the middle of the fucking wilderness, inhabited by a moose with a death wish, and only one lane leading in or out of the road.

A few minutes later, a small ambulance pulls up next to us. A dude with a large gut jumps out of the driver's seat, sweat was already dripping down his face, and he ran a hand over the back of his neck like he was exhausted.

"Someone call for an ambulance?" His Canadian accent was thick, but my arm was in so much pain I didn't have time to make fun of it.

"Yeah, Asshole, my arm is broke and I think I cracked a rib, too."

I held up my arm and he grimaced over the way it was bent.

"Brittany! We got to get this guy to the hospital stat, hurry up with that gurney."

The name alone had my attention, but when that gurney came out from around the back of the truck and I saw the long legs, gorgeous brown locks, and the face of a Grecian Goddess attached to it all, my dick got hard. Brittany was my cock's favorite new thing.

She pulled the gurney up beside me, and I wished she was wearing a dress instead of the garb she had on, because I wanted to look at her sweet pussy. She had that knowing smile when I caught her eye, almost like she could tell that I was undressing every inch of her with my gaze.

"Well, hello, Beautiful," I complimented, when I noticed that blush creeping across her cheeks.

"Can you tell me your name, Sir," her partner asked, not that I was paying attention to him. My focus was solely on her.

"The name's Switchblade," I quickly replied.

"What's your real name?" he asked, a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"His name is Curtis. Curtis D. McKay. Don't ask me what the D stands for because I'll just say it stands for dick," Scythe pipes in, and if my good arm wasn't fucked up right now, I'd sock him.

"Shut up, Fucker."

He smiled back at me, a teasing grin on his face. "Bite me, Asshole." It was playful banter, but on the outside people probably thought we hated each other.

"Well, we better get you to the hospital. How bad is your pain?" The partner asked, then that jerk grabbed my fucking arm.


The guy jumped back at my growl, a look of pure terror on his face.

Brittany piped in to soothe the situation. "You're a really big boy, Switchblade, I don't think me and my partner will be able to pick you up. Do you think you can lay on this gurney for me?" She batted her eyelashes and I couldn't help but do as she asked. She could say anything right now and I do it, but I had to admit, that pretty smile would look even better wrapped around my cock.

My whole body groaned in protest as I eased myself on the gurney. Brittany's beautiful brown eyes perused my broken body, wincing every time I howled in pain.

"Do you want to drive, Brit?" her partner asked her.

We exchanged a knowing look, and she shook her head. "No, I think I can handle this big lug on my own. Just get him to the hospital, Jack."

I bellowed, as they loaded me into the back of truck and my fucking arm got smacked into the door.

Jack helped her strap me down, then went to close the door.

"I'll meet you at the hospital, Switch," Scythe shouted, as Jack closed the door between us.

The second the door closed, Brittany got to work getting me situated. "Do you want morphine?" she asked sweetly.

The thought of any needles coming near me made my stomach get queasy. "No. I'm good, but if you want to help ease my pain, Brittany, you could hop on my cock and give it the grade-A pussy treatment."

She blushed. "I can't do that."

"Why not?"

She whispered, "I could get fired."

I didn't want to get the girl fired, but I sure as hell wanted her to ride my cock.

The truck started to move, and we rode a little bit down the road in silence, allowing the sexual tension to vibrate between us.

When we hit a fucking bump, I swear I launched up, screaming out in agonizing pain.

"Dammit, Jack, watch the bumps," Brittany shouted.

Jack didn't listen, immediately after he hit another bump, and this time I couldn't take it, I launched up causing the straps holding me down to break in two. Brittany's eyes went wide, almost as if I was some kind of monster she had never seen before.

"You need to stay still, Switchblade."

"You try staying still when the moron up front is playing hit the pothole like he's in the middle of a golf match."

She chuckled, but it quickly went away when the next bump caused me to fall off the gurney, straight on my broken arm.

"FUUUUUUUUCK," I screamed.

"Everything alright back there?" Jack asked.

"Fuck you, Asswipe, this is your fault."

Brittany tried to shut me up, she reached for a needle and I couldn't help going off on her.

"Don't you fucking dare touch that needle. It's not coming anywhere near me."

She held up her hands. "We need to keep you from hurting yourself again. If you get too worked up you can go into shock."

I didn't care. Needles and I are not friends. The last bitch that tried to shoot me with a needle, almost lost an arm.

"If you want me to calm down, then you're gonna need to suck my cock, because that's the only way you'll get me to shut up."

She looked away nervously, then up at the front. Jack was busy driving, and putting me in even more pain with every pothole he hit on the roadway. He was distracted, she knew it and I knew it. And before I could say anything, she pushed the gurney so it blocked us from view, threw her medical bag on top of it for even more coverage.

Next thing I knew, fucking Brittany had my zipper down, my cock out, and was deep-throating that shit like she fucking in the middle of a weenie all-you-can-eat buffet.

"Fuck," I yelled a little too loudly. Fortunately, it was the same exact moment fucking Jack hit another bump.

"Sorry," he shouted.

"I'm not," I groaned, as Brittany took me even further to the back of her throat.

"I don't normally do this," she whispers, licking my shaft.

"It's okay, Baby. Most girls say that before they meet me."

She didn't seem to care that I was mentioning other women. There was a sexual lust running through her eyes. Every time her eyes met mine, I imagined her riding my cock. First, I'd take her riding me, so I could unbutton her shirt and suck those tits. Then I'd move her around, so I could hold onto her hair with my free hand and watch her sweet ass bounce up and down my cock.

"Fifteen minutes out, Brit. Everything okay back there? I'm hearing a lot of moaning."

"I'm in pain, Asshole," I yell, forcing the moron to shut up.

"Fifteen minutes isn't a lot of time, Sweetheart. any chance I can feel that pussy?" Then I remembered I was out of condoms. "Fuck, never mind, I'm out of protection."

Brittany smiled evilly. She reached in her purse and pulled out a golden condom. "I conceal and carry."

I laughed at her comparison to a weapon because my cock can be quite the weapon when used right.

"I'm gonna ride your cock, you're in no condition to move, but it's been months since I've been fucked and I'm looking for a ride. You've seen Jack, my partner is less than desirable, but you ... well, you had my pussy purrin' the moment I saw you lying on the ground."

Brittany sheathed my shaft, then pulled down her pants past her knees. She turned around and just like I dreamed, Brittany slid her beautiful pussy down my cock. She didn't have a lot of movement due to her pants holding her legs together, and even though my rib cage hurt like a bitch I grabbed her side and started moving beneath her, pumping my cock into her.

We hit another bump, and the jolt sent my cock even further inside of her. She screamed out, this time getting Jack's attention.

"What the hell is going on back there?"

"Nothing," she moaned. "Keep going." That last part was to me. She was so worked up I could feel her pussy clenching around me. This chick was gonna cum, and when she did it was going to be a gusher. I could tell.

"Is he going into shock? You look like you're performing CPR, why isn't he on the gurney."

"Dammit, Jack. Just drive," I barked.

"Five minutes out," he shouted back, but I could hear the questions in his voice. He knew something was up.

My arm was too injured to get a better grip, but my free arm squeezed her hip tightly. "You got five minutes to cum, Brittany. Can you do it?"

She answered my question with a moan of pleasure and the release of her arousal around my cock. "Oh, God!" she moaned.

The thrill of fucking her in the back of ambulance, and the way her pussy clamped my cock like a iron maiden had me shooting my wad inside of her in return.

"I can't believe I just did that," she cried, as the truck came to an abrupt stop. With the speed of a cheetah, Brittany had her pants up, my cock put away, and attempted to look like she wasn't just fucked in the back of the vehicle.

Jack opened up the door and eyed the two of us curiously. "Why do you look so flushed?"

Her cheeks reddened even more.

"He's really hard to hold down. You hit a few bumps and he fell off the Gurney, so I've been doing my best to keep him stationary." Her little lies made my cock hard again. I wonder if Jack would be up to going around the block a few times?

Jack looked at me then her, then down at my tented pants. "Um, Bud, you kinda got something going on down there."

I smiled evilly. "Don't worry, Jack. Brittany's a pro at getting that part of me to calm down." I gave him a wink, as Brittany's angry gaze fell on me. Whoops guess I wasn't supposed to say that.

Jack's jaw dropped, and I guess I deserved what happened next . . .

Because Brittany, in an angry fit, grabbed the biggest needle she could find and filled it with morphine.

"Oh no, you're not sticking that thing in me."

She looked at me with the most sinister grin, "You're in pain, and you just shot me with your special seed, now I get to shoot you for opening your big ass mouth. Turn over, Big Boy, this shit is going straight into your ass cheek."

I knew that wasn't the normal place to get shot up with morphine, but the second I saw the needle it didn't matter.

Switchy went out like a light.

I told you needles and I don't mix, my ass still hurts from where pretty little Brittany got her morphine revenge on me for blasting our little ambulance secret. One thing is for sure, nothing is worse than an angry Canadian who just got fucked in the back of an ambulance.

Until next time, my beautiful Sweet Butts.

Always in your dreams,




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