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Switchblade's Sweet Butt Chronicles Volume 7

Writer: authorquinnryderauthorquinnryder

I'm a day late posting this, but Quinn has had a lot going on lately and hasn't been able to get to her computer much. I plan on giving you two stories this weekend, but the first one I want to start with involves another special threesome I'll never be able to erase from my brain.

Now, you may be wondering if this is another threesome involving my best friend Ice, sadly no. On this particular Thursday, Ice was out on a run out of state and I had to stay behind to take care of the riff-raff around the compound.

At about 8 pm I decided to go on a beer and gas run. We were running low on the God's brew and my tank was practically on empty. I headed up to a local Mom and Pop Quickie Mart. It had the cheapest gas in town, and the liquor store was right next door. Chris' store always had the best and most potent liquor in town. Chris, the owner, imports the shit directly from oversea manufacturers and has a standing deal going with the club. We buy a shit ton of alcohol, he puts it on a tab. My favorite is the German ale he brings in. That shit goes down smooth and stays with you for hours. Anyway, after I filled my bike I headed over to the liquor store and just as I was about to close the door a sweet little voice called out behind me, "Hold the door please."

I look over my shoulder to see this sexy little blonde hustling toward me. Her boobs bounced playfully underneath her peace sign shirt, and her face reminded me of sunshine and rainbows and all that groovy shit you inner mix with the seventies decade. She's got on a fringed, leather vest, a matching bandana, and even the bell bottom jeans that were popular during that time period.

I hold up two fingers at her and smile, "peace and love," I joke.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Really?"

"Well, I assumed from your get up, that you were into that whole Flower Power shit."

"Costume party. I couldn't give two fucks about peace, love, or flowers." She aggressively pushed past me and walked straight to the hard liquor. "Chris, what kind of vodka do you recommend?"

"My good shit is like $250.00, Lacrista," Chris told her. "If you're looking for something easy on your pocket book, New Amsterdam is some good shit."

I towered over Chris' shelves, so I watched Lacrista as she grabbed a few bottles of the cheap vodka and walked over to the register. I grabbed a keg of beer and a special bottle off the shelf and followed her.

Put it on our tab, Chris," I told him, slamming down a bottle of Grey Goose and placing the Keg on the floor.

Lacrista looked up at me and glared. "I don't need your charity."

I smugly looked back at her, "Ah, but you do need good vodka, and Grey Goose is one of the best." I didn't let her argue, instead I scooped up the Keg and the bottles of alcohol and ushered her outside.

"You're going to drop that."

"Nah, I'm good at juggling two things at the same time." I looked directly at her boobs, imagining all the naughty things I could do with them big ass titties.

"Are you looking at my breasts?"


She cocked back to smack me and then stopped herself when she realized that I was the one carrying all her booze. "Ugh, cocky men infuriate me."


"Cause you all think you're God's gift to woman. I bet you're going to tell me you have a huge cock and will rock my world next."

"Well, personally I like to think that it's pretty big, but according to others it's just average. Though, I've never had any complaints. Women are always coming back for more."

Lacrista looked intrigued. Her eyes moved over my muscles until they were focused on my eyes. "I don't think I've ever met a cocky man that openly admits his cock isn't impressive."

Now I was rolling my eyes. "I know guys with huge cocks that have no idea how to use them. A guy could impress you with his size but suck in bed. I impress women with my massive stamina and ability to make a woman cum every single time."

Lacrista didn't look amused, but her mouth slightly twitched, a tiny sign that I was getting through to her. "If that's your way of trying to convince me to sleep with you, you're shit out of luck, Bud."

"The name's Switchblade."

"You're shit out of luck, Switchblade." The way she said my name had my dick hard as fuck. I liked her defiant almost bitchy attitude.

"Why am I out of luck?"

"Cause fucking one man is boring. Why fuck one man when fucking two is more fun?"

The fact that she was referring to a threesome on Threesome Thursday only made me want her more. Then I realized my threesome buddy was gone. FUCK.

We came to stop in front of a car and I placed the keg down, handling the bottles of vodka carefully, before she took them from me and placed them in the back of a Prius. She turned around abruptly and grinned.

"This is only because you bought me the good vodka." She had a pen in her hand and scribbled down an address on my palm. "This is the address to my party. Bring a friend, and we can play." She gave me a wink before she hopped in her car and drove away.

I watched her drive off then looked down at the keg and winced. "Fuck. I should've brought a cage." I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Scythe. The second he said hello I was all over him. "Send a prospect with a cage to Chris' liquor store. I got a keg but forgot I brought my bike."

Within five minutes, our old beat-up truck pulled into the parking lot. Jagger, one of the newer prospects, hopped out.

"Prez said you needed me?"

I pointed to the keg. "Put that shit in the back of the truck."

I stared at my palm, admiring the way she curved the number 8 so it looked like it had a little tail. Why is it always the good ones that get away?

Jagger struggled to get the keg into the back of the truck, and just because I'm a nice guy I helped him a little. We pushed it past the tailgate and slammed the tailgate shut.

"Where you want it?"

"Back at the clubhouse, but first . . ." I stared at Jagger hard. He wasn't a bad looking guy. short blonde hair with buzzed sides. Average build but still muscular. A little fucked in the head maybe, but he was definitely decent looking. "Nah, never mind." I clenched my fist, fingers digging into that precious address I'd never get to use because Ice was out of town. First fucking Threesome Thursday I'd have to miss, and the chick was practically begging for it.


"You were in the military, right?"

"I served three tours in Afghanistan, received one purple heart, but then got medically discharged because my noodle got all fucked up and I tried to kill a few friendlies. I was lucky they didn't slap me with a dishonorable discharge and strip me of my ranks and medals."

"Are you familiar with Man Love Thursdays?"

"Yeah, not my kind of thing, although I was propositioned by a guy wearing a wig and high heels on a subway once. If I squinted he kinda looked like a chick, but I couldn't go through with it. I like chicks not dicks. Why do you ask?"

"Right before you arrived, this chick was here, Lacrista. Though, I only know her name cause I overheard it. Anyway, chick wants a threesome and normally I only do them on Thursdays with Ice. Long story don't ask. But the chick was down to fuck me if I brought a friend."

Jagger stepped back when he noticed my roving eye. "We ain't friends. You're my VP but we barely talk. I want to be in your club, but I ain't doing a threesome with you or anyone else, no matter how hot the chick is."

"Ah, but as your VP, you have to do what I say, and I'm fucking telling you to come with me. I'll even let you fuck her first because I'm nice like that."

Jagger's eyes rolled and I know he wanted to protest but he couldn't argue with me. Whatever I asked him to do he had to do it with out protest. His patch depended on it.

"Fine, but I'm warning you now. I have a bad feeling about this."

A few minutes later we showed up at this huge house a few blocks away. There were people everywhere wearing silly costumes. A drunk guy dressed like a monk, slapped me on the back. "What er yoooou supposed to be?" he asked, hiccuping immediately after.

I looked down at my cut and smiled. "A biker."

"Cool costume, dudes," the guy laughed, as he bumbled off into the crowd.

Jagger reluctantly followed me into the house, and it wasn't long before I found Lacrista. She was standing in the kitchen creating drinks with her blender. She seemed shocked when she looked up and saw me standing there and then busted out laughing when she saw Jagger by my side.

"You actually thought I was going to fuck you?" she asked, pouring herself a drink. I carefully walked up to her and gave her a teasing grin.

"You don't have a choice."

"Excuse me? I always have a choice."

I moved in behind her, gripping her waist possessively. My lips brushed the cusp of her ear, my cock rubbing against her ass playfully. "You said if I brought a friend you'd fuck me. I brought him. Now that I've done my part, Lacrista, you should do yours."

"How do you know my name?"

"Chris said it at the liquor store. When I see something I like, I make sure to know everything I can about it. And I really really like you, Lacrista." My hands moved up her torso until my thumb gently brushed her budding nipples.

"I like your style, Switchy."

"Most women do."

"Wanna put your cock where your mouth is?" she asked, turning around so she could face me.

"No, I want to put my cock where your mouth is." She moaned when my lips touched down on hers and gently brushed across her pout. "We should go somewhere more private. As much as I like fucking in public, there's way too many people around here right now, it might frighten off my friend. "

Maybe Lacrista had one too many shots, but the girl took my beefy hand and led me through the crowd of people, up the stairs, and straight to the master bedroom. Jagger was following reluctantly behind us, but he knew when I nodded my head that he needed to come with me.

The second we were in the secluded room, she locked the door. "Here's the rules, boys." She stripped off her shirt and dropped it to the floor, revealing succulent white breasts that were begging for some nibbles. "We play till I get bored. You can touch me all you want, but the second I'm not having fun anymore the playtime is over, got it?" She stepped out of her jeans, revealing nothing but her carefully sculpted bush underneath.

"Got it," I agreed stripping off my shirt and pants. I laid my cut carefully across a chair, and stood before her in just my boxer briefs. Jagger stayed in the corner, refusing to move. "Prospect, start taking off your clothes."

Jagger looked at me like he was confused, but when he saw my narrowed eyes, he followed my lead and stripped down to his boxers. I pounced Lacrista, my hands eagerly covering her body as I worshiped every inch of her skin with my callused palms. She seemed to melt under my touch, and I picked up her weak body and carried it to the bed.

"How is this gonna work?" Jagger asked like an idiot.

Lacrista propped herself up on her elbows. "If you have to ask that, you two might as well leave."

I glared at Jagger, wishing it were Ice here with me instead. Ice and I move in tandem, Jagger might as well be a crab missing three of his legs with how awkward he's being.

"I'm gonna drop to my fucking knees, throw her legs over my shoulder and bury myself in her pussy. You're gonna take that cock, whatever size it is, stick it in her mouth and shut up her moans so it doesn't disturb the party, Prospect."

"Why do you call him Prospect?" she asked.

"Cause he's trying to get patched into my club and for the next year he's my bitch. He does what I say he does, and right now he's going to shut that pretty mouth up by driving his dick between those succulent lips. Now lay back, Sweetheart, and enjoy the fucking ride."

I didn't wait for her to protest, instead I buried myself between her thighs, sliding my tongue up her slit until it toyed with her clit. She hissed before a loud moan bellowed from her throat. Jagger reluctantly pulled off his boxers, but then hopped on the bed. Lacrista greedily grabbed his cock, squeezing it tighter than Jagger probably wanted and started sucking the shit out of it. Her thighs pressed against my cheeks, pushing me further into her pussy until my nose was buried in her folds. I flicked her clit vigorously and slid one of my fingers up her channel until it disappeared. Her body writhed beneath my touch, enjoying how I hooked that finger inside of her and started fucking her with it and my tongue.

She moaned around Jagger's cock, and I almost laughed when I saw his wide eyes, pained by the vice like grip she had around him. I felt her explode on my tongue, her cum coating my taste buds with that sweet nectar only she could provide. I pulled away from her and slid on a condom, throwing one at Jagger to do the same. I know I promised Jagger he could fuck her first, but I'm a greedy asshole, and grabbed her thighs, pulling her down the bed until my cock was deep inside of her. Jagger sat next to her like a statue watching her tits bounce on her chest like he was fucking mesmerized or something. I couldn't walk him through every step so I just let him sit there and watch me fuck her, cock pounding that pussy like I was going to die without it. Lacrista moaned then cried out in ecstasy. When my thrusts got more aggressive, she grabbed Jagger's cock and gripped again, this time he went white.

"If you're not going to do something with this, then I'm gonna squeeze the fuck out of it. I need something to hold onto." Jagger didn't move, he groaned uncomfortably, but relaxed a little when her hand started sliding up and down his cock.

I felt myself getting close, so I pulled out and flipped Lacrista over, backing off so Jagger could get a piece. "Here, Prospect, it's you're turn. Finish her off." I took off the condom and crawled up next to Lacrista, palming her tits and kissing her lips as Jagger began fucking her.

He started off slow, which only pissed her off, "I'm getting bored."

"Fuck her like she's the last woman on Earth, Prospect."

Jagger refused to look at me while he fucked her. In fact, he looked everywhere in the room but at us. So, I did what any self-respecting Alpha would do in this sort of situation. I spread Lacrista's lips and fucked that beautiful face. Palming her head, I forced her head up and down my shaft, watching those gorgeous blue eyes go wide when I flirted with her tonsils. She gagged, but I knew she cold take it. Tiny tears pin-pricked her eyes and I eased up a little bit, but only enough to to make her more comfortable. I continued that pace until I felt myself getting close again.

"You gonna swallow my cum like a good little girl, or am I gonna have to spray those tits with my seed?"

She pulled her mouth away from me and smiled evilly, "I never spill my favorite drinks." She gave me a wink before her mouth opened and she engulfed my length. Between her naughty words, daring eyes, and perfect suction, I was dumping my seed deep in her throat. It felt good--really fucking good. At the same time, Jagger shuddered on top of her, obviously getting enough out of the experience to finish, too.

We both pulled out at the same time, ready to leave with heavily pleased cocks, and her lusting for more, but just as we started pulling on ourclothes, a secret door opened behind me, and a giant beast of a man that put my body to shame, stepped out of the shadows.

"Ah, ah, ah, boys. There's rules when it comes to my swinger parties. If you fuck me, my husband gets to fuck you next." Lacrista smiled evilly, as her husband dropped his pants, revealing a monster cock that looked like a python ready to consume me. The second I saw that long log of fucking perfection, I knew I made a grave mistake coming here, and I was ready to do anything to get out of there as fast as I fucking could.

"Which one wants Bruno to fuck him first?" Lacrista asked. She held out a finger and pointed it at me then Jagger. "Eenie, meanie, miney . . ." Her finger stopped on me, and she grinned. "Mo."

"Nope, I'm out. Take the little one, he's primed and ready," I already had my clothes in my hands, and was half way out the door when I threw a helpless Jagger toward Beauty and her monstrous Beast. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and this VP ain't getting fucked by no Brunos. I'll have to make it up to Jagger later for being my Bruno sacrifice. Maybe even convince Scythe to give him his patch a little earlier than planned. Poor guy, my asshole puckered in appreciation of his sacrifice.

I raced out of the room leaving a petrified Jagger behind. I expected to hear him scream, instead I saw his skinny ass shoot out around me, fleeing the scene like a fucking naked cheetah hyped up on a 5-hour energy drink.

"You fucking suck, Switchblade," he shouted, pushing past the orgy going on in the living room, his naked behind streaking into the street and toward the truck as he held his helpless junk and cut in his trembling hands. I didn't wait to see if Bruno was coming after him, I just kept my head down, hopped on my bike and took off, not giving two shits that I was in nothing but boxers. At least I had on more clothes on than Jagger. That fucker was rocking his birthday suit like it was a second skin.

I had to hand it to him though, for his first Threesome Thursday, he did a good job. Even remembered to grab his cut before he ran out of there screaming like a girl.

That guy is definitely Devil's Armada material . . . Pretty sure he hates me now. I'll have to make it up to him later.

Needless to say, that was the last time I ever saw Lacrista or her husband. It will also be the last time I pick up a sassy hippie in a liquor store.

Until next time, my beautiful Sweet Butts.

Always in your dreams,




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