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Switchblade's Sweet Butt Chronicles Volume 11

Writer: authorquinnryderauthorquinnryder

Sometimes, chicks are relentless. No matter how many times you say you're not fucking interested they keep coming after you. But sometimes, those stalkers prove to be a amusing fuck. Thus is my experience with a sweet little Sweet Butt by the name of Jessica.

Now I love female attention, you all know that, but when you walk into a book store looking to score the latest editions of Playboy, Hustler, and GQ (Cause I'm classy like that) you don't expect to end up with a super fan. Yeah, the second I walked into that book store I had her attention.

I am pretty magnificent, but sometimes that magnificence tends to draw in the crazies. Don't get me wrong. Jessica has turned into one of my favorite Sweet Butts, but her obsession worried me for a few... months. Yeah, that girl did not take no for an answer. But this story is super important, and you'll soon find out why.

There I was, flipping through Playboy, not giving two fucks who saw me ogling my newest spank bank material, when I feel someone goose my ass. That's right, straight up pinched my cheeks like she'd done it a thousand times before.

I whipped around and came face to face with a exquisite, blonde, beauty, holding a stack of books. She was tall, a few piercings, with bright blue eyes and a impish smile.

"Did you just pinch my ass?"

"I did. Got a problem with it? Also, can I help you find anything?"

"Wait? You work here?"

"I do. Books are my life. You remind me of my latest book boyfriend. His name is Road Block. He's the Vice President of his MC, too. Is it true what they say about bikers?"

"What's that?"

"That they ride hard and fuck even harder?"

"It's very true," I replied with a smug grin.

"Wanna take me back to the stacks and show me what you're made of?" She tickled her fingers up my bicep and squeezed it, then shocked the fuck out of me when she grabbed my nipple through my shirt.

"Damn, Girl, haven't you ever heard of playing hard to get?"

Jessica shrugged her shoulders. "When I see something I want, I buy it. That's why I have so many books. I see a book with sexy man candy on it, I can't help but buy it. I see you, standing over here looking fine as fuck, flipping through your naughty magazine, and I just can't help wondering what all those muscles look like flexed and strained as you pump that fat cock in me."

Wow, this woman was something else. I'm used to women wanting me, but she was being overly eager, which kinda threw me off. I was definitely attracted to her, and I definitely wanted her, but something in the back of my mind was telling me not today.

"Um, thanks, but I got some shit to do. I'll catch you later."

She looked bummed, and I felt her eyes on me the entire time as I paid for my magazines and left the store.

A few days later, I was at a coffee shop getting a cup of coffee, standing in the long line when I felt yet another pinch on my ass.

When I turned around there was the girl from the bookstore standing there smiling at me with that same devious grin.

"You again?"

She nodded. "I told you, when I want something, I stop at nothing to get it."

"Are you stalking me?"

"Define stalk?"

"Did you follow me here?"

"No, I just know that you come and get coffee here every morning at seven a.m. You like it with one sugar and tiny hint of honey."


"So, you ready to help me fulfill my biker fantasy?"

"If I do, will you stop following me around?"

"No guarantees, other than you fucking loving every goddamn second with me. I'm opening the bookstore by myself this morning. No one will be there for at least an hour. Why don't you come back with me? I really, really want to fuck in the stacks."


"There's nothing more seductive than the smell of old books and the sound of naked bodies smacking together."

"I thought you said that it was a fantasy you wanted to fulfill? It sounds like you've already done it before."

She giggled. "I said I wanted my biker fantasy fulfilled, doesn't mean I haven't fulfilled other book boyfriend fantasies among the stacks."

The barista handed me my cup of coffee, and despite the nagging voice in my head telling me to not go through with it, I was intrigued by her persistence. I hopped on my bike and offered her a ride. You know? To fulfill that fantasy. She eagerly took my extra helmet and hopped on the back of my bike. The second I revved that engine, her nails were digging into my pecks. When I say digging, I mean, she drew blood. This chick seemed out to hurt me. We pulled up to the back of the store and she took us through the back entrance, guiding me straight to the section she wanted me to ravage her in . . . erotic romance.


"My name's Jessica," she told me as she started clawing at my cut.

"No, Baby Girl, nobody takes this off but me. Besides, It doesn't need to come off when my pants are easy access. You said we don't have a lot of time."

She grinned. "What's your name, Mr. Biker?"

"The name's Switchblade."

"Fucking sexy. I love it. Almost as good as Road Block." She started clawing at my pants, unbuckling the belt and then manhandling the zipper. "Is your cock as big as your body?"

"It gets the job done."

The second my cock is free she frowns. "They describe them so much bigger in books."

"Listen, Crazy Pants, you've been practically stalking me to get a piece of my dick, so unless you want me to walk out of these stacks with you panting and wanting more. I suggest you stop with the insults and pull those pants down so I can stick my cock in that pussy that's begging to be pounded."

Jessica seemed to like my dirty talk. She pulled off her jeans and discarded them to the floor. "I want it to be fast and hard. Here take this," she said, handing me a fist full of her long blonde hair. "Hair pulling is big in books. I want you to pull and pound. Oooh, and lots of dirty talk, call me a dirty whore. I think I'd like that."

"You're not serious, are you?"

"I thought all guys liked talking dirty in the bedroom?"

"I enjoy talking dirty, Sweetheart, but it's like you're staging a scene from a book here."

She grinned. "Monica was a lowly bookstore owner. Road Block came in to protect her from a bad business man that wanted to buy her store. Monica was really protective over her books and said no, that's where she hired the club to protect her. Road Block was big on hair pulling, he said every woman was like a little filly needing to be broken in. He cornered her in the stacks and they fucked like rabbits. Pull the hair, Switchblade. It'll make this fantasy even better. Monica loved it."

I rolled my eyes. "This ain't no story book, Jessica."

"Okay," she said too quickly. "Got a condom?"

"I always come packing." I held up an orange wrapper, opened it, and rolled it up my length.

"Grab my hips," she instructed. "I want it hard and fast from behind. While you're fucking me, I want you say, you like it rough, don't you, Baby girl?"

Despite my better judgment, I grabbed her by the hips, spread her creamy white legs, and slid my cock inside her warm pussy. She gripped the stacks, the shelves moving back and forth with every hard thrust I slammed behind her. She felt good--really fucking good, and just to get those moans a little louder, I grabbed her hair, pulling her head back so I could kiss her lips. I could feel her frantic moans vibrate against my mouth, her tongue licking the bottom of her lip.

"You're right," she groaned. "You are really good with your cock. Now say it, please."

"You like it rough, don't you, Baby girl?"

"Yes!" she screamed. "Now spank me. Tell me what a naughty little bookworm I am."

My hand came across her ass, the slap so loud that anyone walking by the store could have heard it. "You're a naughty little bookworm, aren't you, Jessica?"

"YESSSS," she hissed. "God, yes. I am such a naughty little bookworm."

I started getting rougher, fingers digging into those hips, thrusts even harder and faster. I had to admit, playing into her little fantasy was getting me going. She looked back at me, a devious smile on her lips.

"Will you let me ride you? I want to know what it's like to ride a biker just like Monica did in Road Block's Bookworm. Monica rode that biker like he was her own personal fucking Harley."

I pulled out of her allowing her to lead me over to a nice plushy couch where people sit to read in the store. She threw me down, then climbed on top of me, sliding down my cock with such finesse, I could tell I wasn't her first rodeo.

She started moving up and down my cock, milking it with her clenched pussy. I groaned, it felt way too good.

"Rev that engine!" she demanded.


"I want to feel you rev that engine, Switchblade. Show me how much motor you got running underneath that cut!"

This bitch was fucking crazy! There was no way in hell I was going to pretend to be a motorcycle to keep her fantasy going. I was about to push her off me and tell her I was done playing book boyfriend, when she grabbed both of my nipples and twisted.

"YOWCH! That fucking hurts." She kept twisting. "REV YOUR ENGINE!"

I grabbed her hands, detaching them from my nipples. "I hate to burst that pretty little bubble, but I ain't no motorcycle, Sweetheart. I ride the real thing, cold metal and steel that rumbles between your legs, vibrating that pussy with sweet nothings of pure mechanical perfection. NOTHING beats the real thing, not even my cock. So, fuck my cock and get yourself off, otherwise, I'm walking out of here, and if you try that fucking pinch shit on me one more time, I swear this nice biker is going to turn bad real quick."

Jessica took the hint. She went back to fucking my cock, begging me to smack her pert little ass every few seconds. After the sixth smack on her ass, Jessica hit her climax. She threw her head back, moaning and screaming in pure fucking ecstasy. "Yes! Yes! Yes, God yes!" Her hands smacked my chest and those damn fingers grabbed my nipples again, only this time instead of twisting, she pulled those suckers hard, practically ripping them off.

"Goddamn it! I told you stop doing that," I scolded, pushing her off me.

Jessica smiled deviously as she rose to her feet. She threw back on her pants without saying a word. Once she was fully dressed, she quickly scampered over to a shelf and grabbed a pen and pad of paper off one of the shelves. She started immediately scribbling something down, which weirded me out even more about this odd situation.

"Umm, what exactly are you doing?"

Jessica grins, scribbled a few more things down, before putting it down on the shelf. "Thanks, Switchblade, not only did I get off, but you gave me my next Chronicle."


"Yup, I call it Jessica's Book Boyfriend Chronicles. I read a book, find a guy that reminds me of the main character, then fuck him, comparing the book to real life in my blog. You got a two by the way. Road Block's cock is far superior in size to yours, he also didn't complain when Monica twisted his nipples. But you do have him on stamina, Switchy. Road Block was done after a few nipple twists, but you, you hung in there like a true champ. My readers are going to lap this shit up."

"So, it's like a sex blog."

"Oh, yeah. Readers love that shit. They want to know every dirty detail. Anyway, you're free to go now, I was determined to get my Road Block, and I found him. Thanks for all the help, but I'm done now."

"That's it?"

"Yup, so skedaddle, I got a job to do. You were great though. Not like rocked my world great. The Rocker and Cowboy scored higher on my chart, but still great."

"You sure know how to deflate a guy's ego."

She looked down at my now flaccid cock. "Among other things I see."

Fuck... this chick.

Jessica ushered me out of the store, slamming the door in my face. Leaving me confused and feeling inadequate. I never saw her again after that. Though, I should mention, she was right about one thing . . . the smell of books did add a little something to sex... a whole lot of crazy.


I'm sure you guys got a kick out of this story, as you should, because thanks to Jessica, the Sweet Butt Chronicles were born. People sure do love their Chronicles, and if it wasn't for Jessica and being a book boyfriend horndog, I would've never had this idea.

Until next time, my beautiful Sweet Butts.

Always in your dreams,




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